10 Best Gift Ideas for Ballroom Dancers.
The holidays are right around the corner! Not sure what to get for your friends who love to ballroom dance? Here are top 10 gift ideas for the ballroom dancers in your life!
Not only will your dancer friend love these gifts, but also you will be supporting small businesses during this holiday season!
1. Ballroom Dance Shoes
All ballroom dancers need a reliable pair of shoes! Gifting dance shoes is a great way to make the holidays that much more special. Plus, dance shoes can boost a dancer’s confidence, help with balance, spins and more! Check out these ballroom shoes.
Friendly reminder: There are various types of shoes, so be sure to ask if your ballroom dancer needs Latin, Smooth, or practice shoes.
2. Leg Warmers
Just like athletes, ballroom dancers also need to stay warm during the colder seasons – so why not gift a pair or two (or three) of leg warmers? Leg warmers are a great way to keep your dancer warm insider and outside of the studio. And as a bonus, they can help add that extra fashionable flare wherever your ballroom dancer goes. There are various lengths and styles that range from thigh-high (stirrup high) to knee-high to mid-calf. Needless, there are tons of options to choose from!
3. Muscle Massage Tools
Again, similar to athletes, ballroom dancers need time for their bodies and muscles to relax. A perfect gift to help your ballroom dancer feel a little less tense is a muscle massage kit ! The best ways I have found to massage your muscles at home are with this kit and foam rollers. Believe me, the dancer will feel rested and rejuvenated after using these items at home.
And as an added relaxation bonus, ballroom dancers may also enjoy an essential oil diffuser with these oil blends!
4. Make up Kit
Your ballroom dancers spends hours practicing and perfecting their routine for their ballroom competition. As you may learn, or already know, ballroom dancers also spend hours preparing for a dance competition, especially with make-up. Ballroom dancers end up using anything from foundation, spray tan and bronzers for their competition. As a professional dancer, I have learned that the most reliable make up is permanent. Check out this wide make up selection! Although it says it’s permanent, I promise that you can still remove the make up!
5. Dance Accessories
As I’ve shared, ballroom competitions involve lots of preparation, and the sooner your dancer can prepare their ensemble the better. Before buying your ballroom dancer any accessories, make sure you have a clear idea of what their vision is for their competition attire.
Nevertheless, I have discovered that male ballroom dancers appreciate zip ties and cufflinks. While female dancers would appreciate a pair of rhinestone earrings, bracelets, and necklaces as well as hair accessories.
Want to explore other wonderful accessories for your ballroom dancer? Check out this online dance supply store!
6. Dance Practice Wear
Another fantastic gift idea is practice wear. Typical dance practice wear includes skirts, dresses, and tops as well as pants. These pieces of clothing are different from everyday wear since it allows for greater mobility. Plus, it makes dancers feel confident and beautiful at the studio!
Check out these links for the perfect dance practice wear gifts!
- Practice Skirts
- Practice Dresses
- Practice Tops
- Practice Pants/Trousers
7. Ballroom Garment Bag & Shoes Bag
At this point, you might be thinking that How is my ballroom dancer going to carry all their clothes, shoes, and accessories?! A perfect solution is to gift them with garment bag and a shoes bag!
8. Books about Ballroom Dance- our recommendations
Books are the ideal gift for the ballroom dancer who enjoys reading outside of the studio. Here are my personal book recommendations for ballroom dance.
Dance To Your Maximum: The Competitive Ballroom Dancer’s Workbook
Taking the lead by Derek Hough
The Winner: A Ballroom Dance Novel
Ballroom!: Obsession and Passion inside the World of Competitive Dance
Then, here is my personal recommendation for dance teachers. Teach Like A Pro
9. Gifts for the Ballroom Dancer who has all these gifts alread
Coffee mugs or thermoses with a little ballroom dancing flare
Dance inspired t-shirts and/or hoodies/sweatshirts
Water Bottle Text:
- Phone case
- Magnet (refrigerator and car)
- Holiday Tree Ornament (you can also personalize your ornament!)
- Keychain
- Jewelry
10. Dance Lessons / Dance Lesson Gift Cards
Last but not least, you can ALWAYS gift your ballroom dancer with dance lessons!! They can always use some more dance practice, and will be thrilled to know they can start leaning more exciting dance moves. Gift Certificates at Lake Shore Dance Academy start at only $40.
Happy Shopping & Gift Giving!!